Thursday, July 1

Free Wedding Flower Materials - Hydrangeas - In Bloom

If you're getting married in Minnesota this weekend, lucky you!

Materials for fancy bouquets can be gotten for free.

Hydrangeas are in full bloom.

I'll bet a church, university, restaurant, neighbor, friend's neighbor, etc. would let you cut lots of stalks off the back of a bush. (Maybe even the front if they really like you.)

Even if you can't get many from one source, they're planted so widely that you can probably put together enough of the same variety by hitting 2-4 of the above places.

I think their leaves are okay for a backing leaf. You just have to use them as separate stalks, best I can tell.

I haven't seen any for sale at farmer's markets yet. Lots of nice stuff there, too, though.

But white hydrangeas, and a few of the blue & pink ones if you're lucky, are in abundance.

Go for it!

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