Tuesday, May 29

Springtime food

I joined a 2nd co-op today, because I'm thinking about investing in it (5%-5.75% returns on a super-duper environmentally conscious investment aren't bad, even though they're not the 8% I thought the loan offered (it turns out that's only for the high rollers loaning the co-op $50K or more)).

Actually, I stopped by because it was on the way home and because I wanted to try the new local yogurt, since the Cultural Revolution crap they've been forced to carry since other local yogurt makers went out of business tastes disgusting (except vanilla and one of the "red berry" flavors but not the other. Nevertheless, I stand by my statement for all other flavors--TERRIBLE!) Unfortunately, the "new local yogurt" is doubly bad for the environment because the cream goes from Minnesota to Delaware before coming back to MN.

On my way in I'd grabbed asparagus thinking, "I hope this isn't unhealthy to eat on a daily basis like eggs and carrots. It's the only easy-to-make-tasty local food available so far."

The rest of the store seduced me, though, after I read the produce board. Apparently I just had to try the basil, and once I looked at that, I noticed that the arugula had a sign next to it claiming, "Best crop ever!"

Come to think of it, I'm realizing that I really overpaid for garlic greens. $2.49 for a bunch? I can get a bunch for $2, list price, at this time of year at the farmer's market, and if I buy other stuff from the same vendor, I can bargain it down to $1 without either one of us batting an eye.

Nevertheless, I might not have bought garlic greens at the market (never have in 2 years of regular shopping there), so I'll just write off the markup as highly effective advertising (that colorful, handwritten produce chalkboard!) by a decent business.

I also brought home baby blanched-colored turnips that had instructions written next to them ("sautee lightly"..."greens also edible"...those did not come w/ directions).

I'm not so overwhelmed by the idea of using up all these greens because I cheated on my locally-grown-and-processed food quest and bought miso and korean noodles while searching for lychee fruit at the asian grocery store nearby. (I was also supposed to reassure myself by buying tapioca spring roll wraps, but I just realized that I forgot to.)

What the heck do garlic, basil, and turnip greens have to do with keeping me sane with a bunch of random greens I don't know how to cook? Here's my reasoning:
  • Garlic grens look like scallions. Scallions are in miso soup at restaurants. Miso soup often has tofu in it.
  • Miso soup would probably be fine with noodles instead of tofu. Both processed foods made out of plants.
  • Pho has noodles in it. Pho is also a tasty soup at restaurants.
  • Basil is in pho.
  • I like Korean noodles made out of yams/sweet potatoes better than Vietnamese rice or bean noodles.
So no problem to make miso soup with garlic instead of scallions, basil thrown in, and noodles instead of tofu, right? And if I throw some turnip greens in, it'll be just like seaweed, right?

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