Wednesday, July 16

2008's "Hope" Is Gone For Me

After the failure of 3 of my efforts to turn a leftward swing in my milieu into something that would swing far enough left to truly undermine my milieu's culture of valuing "taking"...

...I've settled back into believing again that the Takers will continue to win the war--now and until the end of human life on earth.

Even "The Revolution Will Not Be Funded"--the 3 pages I've skimmed--is feeding into that worldview. The good people of the earth win a battle against Takers by offering incontrovertible evidence to taking-valuers that "taking" has to involve brutal violence? (Bashing of demonstrators, etc. in the 60's?) Well, the Takers have enough resources to change their enforcement of cultural esteem of taking to ways that are just about impossible to show to taking-valuers (in this book, the actions of the NPIC). They have the resources to keep winning the war after every battle they lose, I've come to believe.

I really do feel that way tonight, and most of the time.

That said...

...I'd be da**ed if I'm going to live comfortably with the privilege Takers give taking-valuers (and those who look like them) without fighting like hell against the Takers' perpetuation of valuing taking.

I believe we'll lose...but I know I'm not omniscient. I could be wrong, and if I'm wrong, there's no way on earth I'm going to turn my pessimistic belief into a self-fulfilling prophecy by not lending a hand to the good people of the world.

(Even if I can't do it with the optimist's smile I did for a few months.)

In other words, I, myself, do not "hope" anymore.

I merely act against my hopeless beliefs "just in case."

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