I did not do an 'organize for health care' meeting. Just spent my Saturday like a Saturday. (Well, one w/ a sore throat.) Oh well.
I do, however, plan to kick myself in the butt to organize a block party for National Night Out. Seriously. Any day now. Really.
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Blog Archive
- I Didn't Do An Organize For Health Care Meeting
- Healthy meals yesterday
- Healthcare Organizing Meeting
- I'm reading a book about European female immigrant...
- Against Escalation of Military Action in Pakistan
- Against Escalation of Military Action in Pakistan
- Class & race privilege
- Letters To Policymakers About Afghanistan & Pakistan
- U.S. Senate Trying To Dump Big Agribusiness Produc...
Sunday, May 31
I Didn't Do An Organize For Health Care Meeting
Posted by
11:33 AM
Healthy meals yesterday
Healthy meals yesterday. Biked to the nearest farmer's market, and man, I don't know what I was doing in past years, trekking to local-only farmer's markets. I guess I figured they'd be cheaper, what w/ all the competition for the same veggies, but the price savings are less than $1-$2 per trip, and being able to get that piece of ginger and a lime to finish off a recipe in the same trip is SO worth whatever extra cost there might be.
There's way too much produce in the house now, so we've got to eat it fast.
For lunch, I quick-boiled up some jasmine rice, set some dried mushrooms to soak (how water), picked through my mustard greens, then got out my new wok (exciting!) and "stir-fried" sauce while parboiling the mustard greens and drained the greens and threw them in.
Boring flavors, but healthy.
For dinner, my boyfriend had me pick through a different kind of mustard green (the kind you think of as going w/ southern U.S. cooking) and tear it up; he chopped tomatoes & cucumbers and threw on salad dressing. Then he seasoned ground turkey, chopped & fried sweet onions, and mixed salsa+avocado and foreman-grilled the burgers. He saved a few slices from the cucumber & put them in our drinking water. The meal was strong flavorful!
Today I think I'm going to set some jasmine rice to soak ahead of time and cook it like I would basmati for pilaf and see what kind of texture it comes out w/.
Posted by
11:20 AM
Wednesday, May 27
Healthcare Organizing Meeting
I'm thinking about hosting one of those "organize for health care" meetings that Barackobama.com keeps sending me e-mail about.
I dunno--it's probably watered-down crap that won't do anything that their packet materials will be about...
...but maybe I could do something w/ it for a Medicare-like public option or single-payer?
Posted by
6:55 AM
Labels: activism, domestic business policy
Tuesday, May 19
I'm reading a book about European female immigrants to the United States.
So far it's really good.
Sly Civilian once wrote:
Where do we recognize our own Whitenesses...as a source of idenity?
I hope to find some ways to tie my own childhood experiences and the people in my childhood to my current beliefs. Since my childhood was happy, ideally, I should be able to be the best person I can be in this world if I do that, right?
I guess I'm hoping that if I read about all the same things I see on promigrant.org and vivirlatino.com and such, only lived by people who looked like me (and bore at least some of my family), I'll somehow be able to be a better person than if I just read about immigrant experiences with little cultural connection to the people who were around me in my childhood.
Posted by
10:35 PM
Labels: gender, my privilege, social categories
Monday, May 18
My poor relative.
I've had strong ADD symptoms all my life; she got them after scalpels poked around her brain.
She finally tried ADD medications, and *bam*--she was acing tests and classes again.
But *bam*--she had anxiety symptoms so bad she had to go into a clinic to see why she was having trouble breathing all the time.
Although I wouldn't wish upon her all the extra ADD symptoms I have, in one way, I sure do wish my relative were a "classic" case like me who responded to the first medicine she tried w/o negative side effects.
But since that isn't the case for her...I sit here and wonder what I can do for her.
Posted by
9:00 PM
Labels: psychology
Sunday, May 10
Against Escalation of Military Action in Pakistan
I just can't get that conversation (and what I wish I'd said) off my brain.
Is it class that makes people think they'd be safe from nationally sponsored armed forces?
I know that works in some situations, but geez. If people are on a mission to "eliminate" / "kill all" of a sub-population of a region...it just seems to me that the violence is going to be so extremely high that not only are some civilians going to get unnecessarily killed right off the bat because of the armed forces' cowardice about getting close to those they're "supposed" to be shooting...
...but it seems to me that the natural response of fleeing the hell out of there is going to turn even the upper-class and upper-middle-class into looking poor. Which will take away their #1 class-based protection: the armed forces being "able to" tell them apart, on sight, from those they're "supposed" to kill.
Is my college acquaintance's family going to have quite an about-face in their opinion about whether the Pakistani government should militarily "eliminate" all the Taliban members in Swat once they're on the run and look the exact same and are getting shot at all the time?
Is it going to be too late for their opinions to matter to the Pakistani government once this happens?
I don't want them to die.
Posted by
10:07 AM
Labels: social categories
Against Escalation of Military Action in Pakistan
I talked with an old college acquaintance from Pakistan via chat yesterday.
He's all, "Kill ALL Taliban!"
I was all, "Ummmmmmm...how about not?"
He was all, "They're all terrorists who understand nothing but violence--they should all be eliminated!"
I brought up that nationally sanctioned armies often kill more civilians than those they're allegedly fighting against and asked if any of his relatives in Swat had been shot at by nationally sanctioned armies.
He said no, so I said I understood and respected how his relatives & he could come to feel the way he felt.
But later that morning, when I was gardening, I thought of something I wish I'd thought of while in conversation.
I wish I'd thought to say:
Be careful what you wish for.
If the Pakistani government listens to your wishes, and sanctions all people who associate themselves w/ the Taliban being killed, who is going to do the shooting? Whoever does that shooting--my friend--why do you believe that they would not kill all of your relatives who live in the same area because they're too cowardly to get close to armed Taliban members and choose to kill everyone within 10 kilometers of a cluster of armed Taliban members instead?
Do you believe very strongly that if your government listened to you and decided to go "kill all the Taliban," they would refrain from killing almost every young adult male in Swat--including your relatives--as the easiest way to do it?
Why do you believe they would be so careful, when recent history of "anti-terrorist" military action has pretty much always gone the way I've just described?
Oh well.
Posted by
9:46 AM
Labels: social categories
Class & race privilege
Yesterday, in addition to gardening in my "comfy clothes," I threw on my boyfriend's paint-stained jacket because it was comfortable and a ridiculous hat my boyfriend ordered off a cereal box to keep myself from sunburning.
Then, we ran errands and I wore these clothes out w/o brushing my bedhead.
I looked ready to WORK, and there was no part of my class showing through my clothes or grooming.
And people treated me like they had done in the suburbs when I was growing up.
People did the dance of, "Who was first?" when a cashier asked us who was first in line rather than nodding a, "Go ahead," to me.
I'd thought maybe it was local culture of my new state's city versus my childhood state's suburbs, all this deference.
But maybe it's been race+class all along.
Maybe it's been me, raised upper-middle-class in the suburbs, looking like it, while shopping in working-class parts of the city instead.
(Also, I have a bad tendency to sort of kind of stare when I am around other people, but it didn't throw people's body language off this time. Now I kind of want to dress like I'm ready to tear up a garden all the time to compensate for my bad habits, rather than fix my bad habits!)
Posted by
9:40 AM
Labels: my privilege, social categories
Friday, May 8
Letters To Policymakers About Afghanistan & Pakistan
You should write, too!
Here are mine:
Dear President Obama:
Please order an end to air strikes (piloted and drone) in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The whole countryside population is not out to get you and me. The number of civilians that shooting "Talibanis" from the air kills is unacceptable.
Actually, the number of "Talibanis" that we (and the armies we fund) shoot at in Afghanistan and Pakistan is unacceptable, too. (And, to put it in your words, Mr. President, "dumb war." They aren't out to get you and me, either. They're no less likely to work with us in the event that they find themselves in charge of nukes than new leaders in the former U.S.S.R. were. They're human and know that nukes need to be kept under control, too.)
So please order an end to air strikes (piloted and drone) and please order U.S. forces to influence Afghanistan's and Pakistan's forces to respect peace deals (both signed and still under negotiation), rather than scuttling them with attacks. (Like the Pakistani forces just did in Swat.) Peace deals save lives. Important lives. Blessed lives. Lives of people who flat-out shouldn't die.
Thank you, Mr. President.
Dear Vice President Biden:
Please work with President Obama to end air strikes (piloted and drone) in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The whole countryside population is not out to get you and me. The number of civilians that shooting "Talibanis" from the air kills is unacceptable.
Actually, the number of "Talibanis" that we (and the armies we fund) shoot at in Afghanistan and Pakistan is unacceptable, too. (And, to put it in the words of the President, Mr. Vice President, "dumb war." They aren't out to get you and me, either. They're no less likely to work with us in the event that they find themselves in charge of nukes than new leaders in the former U.S.S.R. were. They're human and know that nukes need to be kept under control, too.)
So please work with the President to end air strikes (piloted and drone) and to order U.S. forces to influence Afghanistan's and Pakistan's forces to respect peace deals (both signed and still under negotiation), rather than scuttling them with attacks. (Like the Pakistani forces just did in Swat.) Peace deals save lives. Important lives. Blessed lives. Lives of people who flat-out shouldn't die.
Thank you, Mr. Vice President.
Dear Secretary Gates:
Please order an end to air strikes (piloted and drone) in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The whole countryside population is not out to get you and me. The number of civilians that shooting "Talibanis" from the air kills is unacceptable.
Actually, the number of "Talibanis" that we (and the armies we fund) shoot at in Afghanistan and Pakistan is unacceptable, too. (They aren't out to get you and me, either. They're no less likely to work with us in the event that they find themselves in charge of nukes than new leaders in the former U.S.S.R. were. They're human and know that nukes need to be kept under control, too.)
So please order an end to air strikes (piloted and drone), Mr. Secretary, and please order U.S. forces to influence Afghanistan's and Pakistan's forces to respect peace deals (both signed and still under negotiation), rather than scuttling them with attacks. (Like the Pakistani forces just did in Swat.) Peace deals save lives. Important lives. Blessed lives. Lives of people who flat-out shouldn't die.
Thank you, Mr. Secretary.
Dear Secretary Clinton:
Please work with President Obama to end air strikes (piloted and drone) in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The whole countryside population is not out to get you and me. The number of civilians that shooting "Talibanis" from the air kills is unacceptable.
Actually, the number of "Talibanis" that we (and the armies we fund) shoot at in Afghanistan and Pakistan is unacceptable, too. (And, to put it in the words of the President, Madam Secretary, "dumb war." They aren't out to get you and me, either. They're no less likely to work with us in the event that they find themselves in charge of nukes than new leaders in the former U.S.S.R. were. They're human and know that nukes need to be kept under control, too.)
So please work with the President to end air strikes (piloted and drone) and to order U.S. forces to influence Afghanistan's and Pakistan's forces to respect peace deals (both signed and still under negotiation), rather than scuttling them with attacks. (Like the Pakistani forces just did in Swat.) Peace deals save lives. Important lives. Blessed lives. Lives of people who flat-out shouldn't die.
Thank you, Madam Secretary.
Dear Senator ...:
Please do not support any supplemental funding for military action in Afghanistan or Pakistan.
The whole countryside population is not out to get you and me. The number of civilians that shooting "Talibanis" the way we're going after them is unacceptable.
Actually, the number of "Talibanis" that we (and the armies we fund) shoot at in Afghanistan and Pakistan is unacceptable, too. (And, to put it in the words of the President, Senator ..., "dumb war." They aren't out to get you and me, either. They're no less likely to work with us in the event that they find themselves in charge of nukes than new leaders in the former U.S.S.R. were. They're human and know that nukes need to be kept under control, too. Please feel free to crib this argument for the Senate floor or a meeting.)
We need to halt all this military action against the "Taliban" and only fund things that make all the branches of the U.S. government influence Afghanistan's and Pakistan's forces to respect peace deals (both signed and still under negotiation), rather than scuttling them with attacks. (Like the Pakistani forces just did in Swat.) Peace deals save lives. Important lives. Blessed lives. Lives of people who flat-out shouldn't die.
Thank you, Senator ... .
Dear Representative...:
Please do not support any supplemental funding for military action in Afghanistan or Pakistan.
The whole countryside population is not out to get you and me. The number of civilians that shooting "Talibanis" the way we're going after them is unacceptable.
Actually, the number of "Talibanis" that we (and the armies we fund) shoot at in Afghanistan and Pakistan is unacceptable, too. (And, to put it in the words of the President, Representative ..., "dumb war." They aren't out to get you and me, either. They're no less likely to work with us in the event that they find themselves in charge of nukes than new leaders in the former U.S.S.R. were. They're human and know that nukes need to be kept under control, too.)
We need to halt all this military action against the "Taliban" and only fund things that make all the branches of the U.S. government influence Afghanistan's and Pakistan's forces to respect peace deals (both signed and still under negotiation), rather than scuttling them with attacks. (Like the Pakistani forces just did in Swat.) Peace deals save lives. Important lives. Blessed lives. Lives of people who flat-out shouldn't die.
Thank you, Representative ... .
Thanks to Chris Floyd at Empire Burlesque and to other bloggers for giving me the ideas I needed to put together a letter.
Posted by
9:35 AM
Labels: activism, international relations
Tuesday, May 5
U.S. Senate Trying To Dump Big Agribusiness Products On Cuba
News tip--things look bad for Cuba. The US Senate is trying to dump agribusiness produce on them, I believe, looking at this article. (And of course, the article chooses the word "farmers" to describe those who spend their time thinking about how Cuba's "market" is "lucrative." Yeah right.)
To see an example of how bad this could be for Cuba, read what has happened to tortilla flour in Mexico here. Note the part towards the end of the article where they talk about trade "agreements" making things worse.
I know this is a senate action, not a trade agreement, but it's still a horrible action either way, and it should be stopped.
Posted by
1:27 PM
Recent headlines from the blog "Black and Missing but Not Forgotten:"
Blogroll (click to expand)
- Abu Aardvark (Marc Lynch, Arabic-language media specialist)
- Affordable Housing Institute: US (David Smith, aff. hous. specialist)
- Alice Dredger's blog (bioethics, sex, & gender specialist)
- An Iraqi expatriate dentist's blog (USA/Jordan)
- Badgerbag (a liberal urban feminist hippie geek's blog (I swear she could be a real-life friend of mine))
- Bagdhad Chronicles (an Iraqi citizen's blog)
- Black And Missing...But Not Forgotten
- Candle In the Dark (an American soldier's blog)
- Chan'ad Bahraini (Bahraini issues blog)
- Citizen Orange (description pending)
- Darvish (Sufi religious and personal blog)
- Days Of My Life (an Iraqi dentist's daughter's blog)
- Democracy Center (Jim Schultz, Bolivian political specialist)
- Emotions... (an Iraqi dentist's blog)
- Eteraz (Muslim & political issues group blog)
- Fetch Me My Axe (feminist and social issues blog)
- Finnegan's Wake-Up Call (an American IMPACT instructor's blog)
- Full Circle blog (online interaction strategy for organizations)
- Genius Is As Genius Does (feminist and teenage issues blog)
- Good Girl: a Look at How Women are Taught to Behave
- Grandma Was a Suffragette (feminist issues blog)
- Haroon Moghul (old, discontinued blog)
- Hathor Legacy (feminist sarcastic wit about current events and culture)
- Having Read the Fine Print (women of color issues and personal blog)
- Having Read the Fine Print... (feminist theory and racial issues/theory blog)
- History Unfolding (David Kaiser, preventive war specialist)
- I'm Not a Feminist, But... (feminist issues blog)
- In Beijing (an environmentalist geeky American in China's blog)
- Justice for Women (Catholic and feminist issues blog)
- Latino Político (description pending)
- Latína Lísta (description pending)
- Lenin's Tomb (Richard Seymour, socialist policy and political commentator)
- Natural Athlete of Unnatural Strength (Kat Ricker, bodybuilder)
- Of América (Latin@ issues blog)
- On the Soapbox (political and social issues and technology blog)
- Or Does It Explode... (Muslim & Arab political issues critiqued from a pretty Western perspective)
- Packaging Girlhood (well-balanced blog of the book's authors)
- Persephone's Box (parenting issues and feminist theory blog)
- Problem Chylde (description pending)
- Progressive Islam: Sheep Are for 'Eid (Muslim, social, & political issues group blog)
- Quaker Agitator (education and social issues blog)
- Real Men Are Not... (masculinity issues blog)
- Reappropriate (gaming and social issues blog)
- Reasons to take IMPACT-style classes
- Respect Rx (advice column by the book's authors)
- Secret Asian Man (cartoons joking about racial issues)
- Sex and the Umma (fiction exploring Muslim social issues)
- Shameless Magazine (well-balanced blog of a print feminist magazine)
- Shrub.com (well-balanced gaming and feminist issues blog)
- Sly Civilian (social issues blog)
- State-of-the-art Self Defense Training For Women (informational Myspace page)
- Stumptuous (Krista Scott-Dixson, weight training advice guru)
- The Angry Black Woman (women of color issues and personal blog)
- The Sanctuary (migrant issues group blog)
- The Unapologetic Mexican (mostly chican@ and social issues blog)
- Thinking Girl (feminist issues and personal blog)
- Unwilling Self-Negation (Ali Eteraz's old blog)
- UroStream (an American urologist's blog)
- Vivir Latino (description penging)
- Vortex(t) (social issues and feminist theory blog)
- When Fangirls Attack! (link lists to articles about women in comics)
- Women of Strength (Livejournal community)
- Writeous Sister Speaks (racial and religious issues blog)
- Zuky (social issues and music blog)